Product Changelog 2021 📒

Product Changelog 2021 📒

26  Nov, 2021

  • Advocate portal major performance improvement
Also enabled auto-save feature to be more real time to prevent responses from being unsaved due to interrupted session.
  • Mobile responsiveness for Advocate Portal topic calibration.
  • Employee Hub to merge the two active and bench tabs as they both now showing equivalent list view differs in status
  • Restore Dashboard back to 2 distinctive view tabs - Content Pipeline and Content Calendar. Surface the published content and draft content from status filter.
  • Refine topic calibration workflow to enable better notification on acceptance / decline of assigned topics.
The selected topics are also editable
  • Prevent Employee names from being not set when using magic link to sign up
  • Update Showcase to copy shareable link.
  • Optimised video compression for iOS App during upload due to large video files.
  • Improved download indicator for large files in Story Editor
  • Update across the platform with consistent design system 3.0 dialog styling.
  • Default video T&C set up for new account.

12  Nov, 2021

  • Marketplace v1 to submit brief forms for both written and video in story editor
For multi-video story you also get to choose which video you need editing
  • Topics calibration and collaboration with advocates can now be done both in EB and Advocate portals before assigning a new story
More details to come...quick start - use story builder and hover over advocate card to see the option
  • Full search filters supported for Employee Hub, Dashboard and Story Editor
Paginations are removed and replaced with infinite scrolling
  • Stories will be displayed in Story Editor as soon as they are accepted by advocate so that you can see their WIP Q&A
  • Support to enter responses to questions for advocates in story editor if they do not submit stories in the advocate portal
  • Headline can be edited in Story Editor post story assignment until gets published.
  • Show live word count in Advocate Portal during Q&A
Amber colour when word count is below 100
  • Settings - add company logo option to display on the advocate magic invitation page
  • Company story can add new advocates prior story Approval stage
  • Audience Research - enable search for any content on both Listening Paths and Trending tabs from the entire database instead of only searching from loaded results
  • Support to reset advocate settings - gender, etc
  • Add new content quality question in advocate portal
  • Employee Hub - made both the active and bench tabs to have the same list view

25 Oct, 2021

  • Story Builder - ability to change the headline before assigning the stories to advocates so that the default placeholders from the audience research can be replaced with the correct context.
  • Story Builder - ability to rearrange the question orders to give guardrail for story narrative when answered by advocates, and the order of questions is locked in for the entire lifecycle of a story, so that the 'narrative' will be retained across the entire journey.
  • Story Builder - ability to assign stories to advocates before they accepted invite to reduce back and forth effort so that advocate gets to see the new story on their dashboard immediately after they sign up.
  • Story Builder - save draft story without BA to advance the story into content calendar (e.g. 90-day calendar)
You can skip the advocate selection by clicking on 'NEXT' to proceed to topic selection
  • Employee Hub - Create a magic link for inviting advocates with a company-wide shareable link to allow advocates to register themselves to go to the Bench.
With company name for the invite appear on the sign up screen, the link currently best suited to send along with an onboarding email to provide context and can be shared internally by our client.
  • Dashboard - ability to delete a story.
Select multiple stories to delete together with the delete button on the title bar.
  • New design for Team setting to show the invitation workflow and available admin users, and create magic link for EB users
  • Some advocate screens copies update
  • Design system v3 update
  • Story Editor - fix the video thumbnail not refreshed after switching between advocates for company story
  • Advocate Settings - remove dups in Community and Interest fields.
  • Do not change the order in which the questions are shown to EB after advocates submitted their responses.

18 Oct, 2021

  • App - enable background video upload while phone is in idle or switched between apps

08 Oct, 2021

  • Story Builder - add due day for story to be customisable before submitting story. This date can be updated on the Dashboard after story gets assigned.
  • Story Builder - support to create draft story instead of submitting to advocates.
  • Dashboard - support to clone from an existing story which can be draft all the way to published in between any stages.
  • Content Calendar - change view to show story title instead of advocates and show all stories if they have the due day set.
  • Advocate Portal - save both original and translated answers in Q&A responses, make all stories available on the story dashboard in all stages.
  • Story Editor - change behaviour when download is clicked to enable direct download for video files.
  • Story Editor - Send multiple video links for individual questions in external approval email. Use Upload Final to upload individually edited videos for each question.
The edited video will replace the display on the Story Editor but original raw footages will be stored in the Library
  • Showcase - Hover over content with hand gesture
  • Login - return to login screen by default in case of invite link expired
  • Responsive advocate portal with the new story dashboard
  • Story Editor - re-enabled paid support and fixed broken layout goes beyond screen

22 Sep, 2021

  • Move the Platform to Design System 3.0
So that all upcoming roadmap releases will be based off the new system
  • Add Editing and In Approval stages to Dashboard story lifecycle to fill the additional gaps between stages.
  • Consolidate advocate approvals for company articles and video stories.
Advocates approval can either be skipped independently now knowing who to skip, however parallel approval for advocates are not supported now (due to file version control)
  • Review employee responses for company story now comes with full view of all the employees so that can be managed and nudged independently.
  • Create custom topic can now enter manual questions directly instead of going through question engine flow.
  • New advocate portal dashboard now able to review the submitted responses.
  • New advocate portal summary screen now contains both Q&A and can edit changes directly prior submission.
  • Shorten the advocate Q&A flow to remove the intermediate feedback screen. Optional comments can now be entered on the summary screen before submission.
  • It is now relatively easier to differentiate between the question navigation and the flow navigation as a result of moving onto the new design system.
  • Story Builder stream for Diversity & Inclusion and Cultures are connected directly to topics instead of Advocates interest. Advocates can be opted out for those story builders by EB only in Employee Hub.
  • Bring back the Paid Service entry (until marketplace is ready)
  • Confirmation dialog for skipping approval stages in Story Editor
  • Some intermittent bugs for video Stories on the App.
  • Only show the submitted stories in Story Editor instead of those still working in progress by the advocates.
  • Fix intermittent language translation issues
  • LinkedIn profile link can be pasted in Advocate Settings.

14 Sep, 2021

  • Fix intermittent video upload issue for new stories and existing stories.
  • Fix intermittent language translation issue in the App.
  • Fix to view the final and approved videos in Complete tab.

10 Sep, 2021

  • Showcase - add 'about' section on each page

1 Sep, 2021

  • Build in the advocate slot management in Employee Hub that checks the limit against the current active advocates.
In-platform upgrade option will be added when new billing system is up
  • Allow same user now to join multiple accounts as Brand Advocates (BA) and also can use the same email for an Employer Branding (EB).
  • Existing BA can now be invited to become an EB on the Platform by another EB through Settings.
  • Permanently delete non-activate employees in Employee Hub.
  • More informative instruction that email is expected to add advocate in Employee Hub.
Adding multiple emails at once are coming next
  • The questions generated by question engine can now be edited.
  • The edited questions against the topic will be stored persistently in your account.
  • Make email mandatory field for creating approvers in Brand Guidelines.
  • Tidy up the Story stages on Dashboard.
EDITING and IN APPROVAL stages will be added in next release.
  • Ensure that the story gets submitted prior sending the story complete confirmation email to the EB to address some stories showing In Progress on dashboard where can be seen in Story Editor.
  • Fix issue that prevents from deleting existing approvers in Brand Guidelines.
  • Fix issue where unable to mark advocate as active after CSV bulk upload in Employee Hub.
  • Corrected video preview window to fit on screen.
  • Correct author being the advocate name(s) in Library.
  • Fix refresh token update issue on the App that resulted in the hang without being able to login.

23 Aug, 2021

  • Platform URL changed to
  • Allow same user / email to be both EB and BA in the same company
Log out option now gets moved into the profile avatar dropdown
  • Story Builder with question engine now connected that creates questions from machine
Custom topic with framework can also be entered in the existing story builders
  • Story Editor - publish stage to include link and date to write to library
  • Showcase - drag and drop stories and feedback
  • Showcase - fixes on responsiveness
  • Audience research - tooltip fix and CSS updates
  • Advocate Portal - various improvement on site smoothness, fixed unstable submit and Q&A feedback comment

17 Aug, 2021

  • App - Remove raw responses from the other advocates in a team story and written responses for the same advocate in Under Review tab.

13 Aug, 2021

  • Story Builder - display only the topics match the advocate interests, remove the arbitrary custom topics.
Will find a better home for displaying past custom topics
  • Advocate Portal - prevent incomplete story from being submitted automatically after closing browser or going back to 'write a story' dashboard abruptly.

9 Aug, 2021

  • Dashboard - ability to add more advocates to stories in the pipeline
Before story changes to Story Ready on Dashboard
  • Showcase - allow switch between hero banner image or plain colour
Hero image takes display precedence if configured
  • Dashboard - send nudge to all advocates not responded to company story
  • Dashboard - improved search and pagination performance
  • Advocate Portal - require at least one Q&A completed before can submit
  • Advocate Portal - improve the feedback and content score calculation to use only the 1st question
  • Story Editor - send video link in email after uploading final video for approval
  • Platform Analytics - Google Tag Manager and Heap

30 Jul, 2021

  • Advocate Portal - Show story assignment notes from EB for Q&A
  • Advocate Portal - Content Score calculated from questions
  • Advocate Portal - Allow manual entry of Community and Department
  • Dashboard - View questions for assigned stories
  • Library - Publish Date and Link
  • Advocate Setting - LinkedIn Profiles
  • Showcase - Mobile responsive pages
  • Showcase - Footer link
  • Showcase - Google Tag Manager
  • Notification - Enable the toggle switch for Web and App Notifications
  • Library - Preview performance improvement
  • Story Builder - Interest search UI improvement
  • Story Editor - Ability to skip advocate approvals
  • Story Editor - Display advocate name for individual story
  • International Language - Polish (Web and App)
  • Advocate Settings - Move full setting list to Employee Hub, tidy up the Advocate Portal
  • Video App - Remove duplicated stories and move done questions into Under Review

What written languages we support so far

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • French (Canada)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Hindi
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Czech
  • Indonesian
  • Swedish
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Polish

21 Jul, 2021

  • Settings - Enable toggle switch for email notification
  • Email Notification - Notify EB when advocate completes a story
  • Inside Look - Responsive published pages
  • Made English as the default advocate language if not set at sign up
  • Story Builder - UI update for advocate card
  • Story Builder - Clickable breadcrumb
  • Story Editor - Subsequent approval does not require re-upload document or other file
  • Audience Research - Display subcategory for listening path if applicable
  • Showcase - Preview setting colours in preview screens
  • Showcase - Update branding colour configurations

15 Jul, 2021

  • Setting - Invite other EB users to join Platform
  • Story Editor - Show in-progress story as soon as one advocate responded for a company story
  • Advocate Portal - Hardcoded headline gets replaced with dynamic story headline

9 Jul, 2021

  • Audio Transcribe - real-time streaming
  • Advocate Portal - Change Password
  • Audience Research - Add 'Popular Searches' segments on the top
  • Inside Look - Rich Text About Us
  • Library - Allow Edit or Delete uploaded contents
  • Library - Search by any headline
  • 'Remember Me' last logged in account
  • Employee Hub - search feature is now working
  • Inside Look - disable occasional auto-play videos on page load
  • Story Builder - fix the flow when doing edit from summary page
  • Story Builder - Fix note limit that stop from submitting a story
  • 'Dummy Title' and 'Dummy Role' replaced with meaning text
  • Inside Look - Responsive footer links
  • Story Builder - Display minimum 6 questions if available
  • Story Builder - Clickable breadcrumb and able to go back first page
  • Story Builder - Custom questions are exclusively stored at account level
  • Terms and Privacy Policy on Sign Up
  • Library - Improve Add Content accessibility to fit on screen
  • Improve login and dashboard loading speed and pagination


  1. Default language is selected for Advocate to see this Record Audio option. (this will be improved in next release)
  2. First time use, the browser will prompt you to unblock microphone, please accept so that you can proceed.

improved the audio transcribe performance significantly by using real-time streaming, the only limitation is it only supports 11 language variations currently:
Australian English, British English, US English, French, Canadian French, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, US Spanish

Pending some copies update...

your last login is remembered by the system so that you will be automatically logged in. We will make this as an option in coming releases.

2 Jul, 2021

  • Inside Look - Support email and telephone links on the footer
  • Inside Look - Make perk name configurable
  • Inside Look - Tab favicon and title match the company information
  • Showcase - Redesign showcase multi-page builder
  • Responsive advocate portal on Mobile and Tablet

25 Jun, 2021

  • Inside Look - Footer Links
  • Advocate Portal - Responsive web portal for mobile
  • Employee Hub - bulk upload with multiple interests
  • Library - Enter raw response directly in upload dialog, in addition to upload document and copy link
  • Library - Add and Filter free-text custom tags, separate Story Type
  • Library - Upload multi-advocate content
  • Fix caching custom questions in Story Builder between stories

22 Jun, 2021

  • Fixed mix up of EB and Advocate names in the invitation email
  • Included correct file link in the approval request email

18 Jun, 2021

  • Inside Look - Google Tag Manager in Editor
  • Library - Add an option 'Link to your Content' when add a new content.
  • Library fixed word document file upload
  • Update invite advocate email template to remove incorrect EB name in the title
  • Able to upload both .docx and .doc file and file link during approval process in Story Editor

Known issue - link was not sent in approval email
  • Remove Delete story button in Dashboard while investigating unexpected down-stream behaviour
  • Inside Look fixed job section text colour to be same as main body text colour - use black by default
  • Sort most recent content uploads on the top in Library
  • Performance improvement (inc. adopted filters) in Library
  • Improved display for uploaded contents
  • Better display for team written and video stories
  • Advocate image add to Story Editor with name(s) shown as tooltip text due to the length of name(s) could exceed the display area
  • 'Back to Top' button added to all the long pages across the Platform
  • Multi-languages support
  • Tab menus (Stories, Notification, Settings)
  • Notifications tab
  • Push Notification
  • Lite advocate profile
  • Display video recording duration